Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Five Days Auto-correcting

Well, it is almost a week since I've posted or even looked at Facebook, or Twitter or Instagram.  Five days to be exact.  Just two more days and I'll have made it a whole week.  I'm doing this in an attempt to "auto-correct" myself a bit in the hopes that in the future I'll be making better use of my free time and not wasting it by looking at how wonderful or miserable some people's lives are, learning about the latest tragedy or even chuckling at a semi-funny video of some cat dancing.

It hasn't been easy and even now I am tempted to check out the "21" notifications waiting for me when I click on the Facebook icon, but I will continue until Thursday just to say I've done it.  That video I posted a week or so ago really hit home with me, and I know that part of the reason I get stressed out so much over having too much to do and never getting it done is that I waste too much time on the 'social network.'

So for any of my Facebook friends who may read this (these posts are automatically posted over there!), yes, I've been staying way on purpose, and I'll be back soon.  But I do hope that some of you will take a look at that video sometime and give it a shot, as well.  I can't honestly say that my life has been more productive these past five days because of it, but really it feels pretty good to not feel like I have to click "like" on something or make a comment on somebody's cute picture of their kid.  Yeah, that stuff takes up a lot of time.  

I really do enjoy it, but sometimes it's just too much and I want to make a statement.  Life is too short and I don't want to look back and say I wasted the equivalent of four years of my life looking at not only Facebook, but Twitter and Instagram, as well.  Just two more days...

Then, who knows?  Can I keep it all to a minimum and maybe get back to living?  We shall see...

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